Saturday, October 25, 2008

October 17th - Out to eat with friends.

Mikayla, Declan and I went out to Sweet Tomato with our friends Amanda and Addison. Mikayla loved it because she got to try so many different things. She probably tasted about 20 different things! She also had her first ice cream cone and really seemed to enjoy it. Declan sat in a high chair for the first time. He liked sitting by the girls and kept trying to grab their trays and food.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 16th - Bounce, Bounce, Bounce!!!

My friends and I heard about this place called Jumping Party from our baby board. We were dying to try it so we finally went and checked it out last week. It was so awesome! I don't know who had more fun...the kids or the mommies! After three hours we were all exhausted and felt like we had done a major workout. Here are some pics and movies of Mikayla, Autumn and Addison having a blast!

Mikayla, Autumn and Christina on the BIG slide:

Mikayla rides the big slide all by herself!

Mikayla in the mini jumper and slide:

Mommy and Mikayla being silly:

Yeah, I know its unflattering...but it was so fun!

Sibling Love:
Even Declan liked to bounce:

Mikayla with her lollypop. She loves dum dums!

Movies of the munchkins bouncing and Dancing:

October 13th - We finally feed Declan / Mikayla and Grandpa do art.

Since Declan is over 6 months and finally showing interest in eating we gave him cereal for the first time. He wasn't sure what was happening when I showed him the spoon but he figured it out very quickly! After he got his first taste he immediately started grabbing my hand and dragging it back to his mouth. I could not spoon the food fast enough for him he was so into it. He has since had sweet potatoes and will start on squash tomorrow. Yay for Declan!

Mikayla loves to do art. We try to do it daily. Lately she is working on using glue and stickers. Daddy and Mikayla made two glue collages. Mikayla had fun picking out the pictures and getting sticky with the glue. Afterwards Mikayla and Grandpa got to play with stickers. Mikayla liked to pile the stickers on top of each other.

Misc. Declan picture because I think its cute. =P

October 12th - Maricopa's Mini Pumpkin Festival

Our good friends Ryan and Amber came over for some Sunday Football. While the boys (including Declan) watched their teams Amber and I took Mikayla to the pumpkin festival. They had a little petting zoo, pony rides, and of course pumpkins!

Mikayla and Amber in the petting zoo:

Mikayla's first pony ride:

October 11th - Maricopa Founder's Day

Maricopa turned 5 and the town had a Festival with a chili cook-off. Grandma and Grandpa Bell were in town so Grandma came with us. It was a very windy day so we did not get to stay long, we did get to taste some interesting chili recipes and Mikayla and Declan saw their first clown.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My babies are growing up!

October 1st - The big move:

My little boy is growing up! Declan is finally sleeping through the night so we moved him from the bassinet in our room to his crib in his room down the hall. The move didn't bug him one bit! Actually I think it helped him because he is now sleeping 10-11 hours at night!! Mommy on the other hand was a wreck. The first night I snuck into his room a good 10 times to check on him.

October 6th - Little Leia and Little Yoda, Declan talking:

We had to go run errands last week. Mikayla was having a bad hair day so I stuck it up in little buns. That night while getting her ready to take a bath I took out the buns and found an awesome mess of curls! We decided that she looked like Princess Leia so we armed her with a light saber and she had a blast.

We had also tried on a Yoda costume on Declan while in Target.

Declan now says Mama. It is so cute to watch because he really has to work to get the sounds out.

October 7th

Daddy is trying to teach Mikayla how to ride a tricycle. She dosen't really get it yet and tips over quite a bit so he went and got her some safety gear. Here she is decked out from head to toe in her new helmet and pads. Now we just need to get them fitted for her and she will be ready to try again!

Mikayla in all her gear:

I bought this bath ring that holds Declan up in the tub so he can take big boy baths now. He loves taking baths with his sister and she loves having him in the tub with her. He kicks water at her and she dumps little cups of water on him and they both have fun and now mommy is happy that both baths are done at the same time. Hurray!

Here is Declan in his first big boy bath: