Friday, October 23, 2009

Whoops! Time to update!

Okay let's give this blogging thing another go! I can't believe it has been almost a year since I last posted!

I guess I should start off with a quick update on us. Our move to Dalian is getting closer, and closer every day. We will be moving mid January 2010. Ken and I went on our house hunting trip a month ago and found a great home for our family. We also found a school for Mikayla and will be sending her full time when we move. We are very excited for her because the school speaks both English and Chinese equally during the day. We are really crossing our fingers that both kids pick up Chinese while we are there so I think this will help her out.

The kids are getting so big so quickly. Mikayla will be 3 in January and is one active little girl. Since we wanted to get her used to the idea of school before going to a new school in a new country where everyone is speaking a different language we enrolled her in preschool part time. She goes 3x a week and loves it! She is also in ballet, gymnastics, and goes to an imagination workshop. She is so in love with all of her activities. She loves to come home and show off what she learned every day. She is also in love with her two favorite shows Ni Hao Kai-Lan and Yo Gabba Gabba. The whole household knows the songs and dances to both shows very well.

Declan just turned 18 months and is still my little chubbers. He is in the 9oth % for both height and weight and is just a big boy! He is much more wiggly and active then his sister was at this age so he keeps me on my toes. His vocabulary has been exploding lately. He seems to learn new words every day and is a little parrot. He loves to follow and copy his sister at just about everything she does. They spend a lot of time getting into trouble with each other. I am excited for Declan because he is starting to show an interest in the different activities that Mikayla does so we are going to put him in Gymboree when we are in China. Then he will get to run, tumble, dance, and color.

Our move felt so far away that we kept thinking of everything we had to do as things that we had to do LATER. Well later is here now so we have been very busy. We have all become pin cushions and have been working on getting our international shots. The little ones also just applied for their passports. I didn't have a passport until I was an adult so it cracks me up that they are going to have them already. The other big thing we need to start doing is sorting our stuff! We have to figure out what to send to China, what to send to storage and what to sell, donate or toss. I know it is going to feel fantastic once it is done but the mere thought kind of spooks me. Wish me luck!

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